Pattison, Sampson, Ginsberg & Griffin, PLLC.

The attorneys of Pattison, Sampson, Ginsberg & Griffin, PLLC are experienced in assessing the unique challenges facing students, parents, educators and administrators in our nation’s increasingly complex education environment.

Our attorneys have vast knowledge of the federal and local education system requirements for private schools and public schools as well as the differing requirements for each level of a child’s education including preschool, K-12, secondary/college, and post-secondary/graduate school.

College & University Closures

Did your college or university close or go to online instruction because of recent protests?
Do you feel that you deserve more?
We can help!
Any school. Any state.

You may be entitled to monetary compensation for:

  • The school’s failure to honor its obligations to the students

  • Failing to protect the students

  • Allowing a hostile environment to exist

  • Discrimination